
Workout take off

Well now I have the rocket finished and slowly making progress on the upgrades I thought it would be nice to workout in the rocket. Don't ask me why I did it I still don't know. But either way it was fun to do.

That took forever!

I did not think the shell of this rocket would ever get finished. Now I just need to make the necessary upgrades so when it is used I won't die coming back to Murkland. I may see if Derrick wants to help with that. It was a bit lonely working on it by my self.

To Murkland and beyond?

Well this should prove to be interesting. I have gotten this far building this rocket the Mayor wants built and I have yet to blow myself up. I wonder if I can get Derrick to help. On the other hand it is good to get away and have some space from each other from time to time. Science was not my best subject. If it was not for Derrick I would have failed in school.

Caught green handed?

Right as I am talking with the old green lady one of cliff dwellers found us. I was so nervous thinking he was going to be pissed and kick me out and send her back. But I was wrong he did not seem in the least bit phased by her. This is interesting and I have to get back to the Mayor and let him know what I have learned.

What in the murk just happened?!

So I was talking to the green swirling mist thing and this green old lady stepped out of it. Her clothing was interesting wearing a leather jacket and gray shirt with torn jeans. I will defiantly have to let the mayor know about this. She seems nice but I don't want to get to close in case she tries to take me or something.

What happens if I do this?

So I had to leave and come back before they realized what I was up to. I don't know what I touched but the weird portal thing started to change. Something started to talk to me.  That was a bit nerve racking for sure. I couldn't be rude so I spoke back.

Time to explore again

I decided to come back to the cliff dwellers without telling them and teleported my self in with meditation. Unfortunately, I showed up right when one family member was on her way upstairs but she was glad to see me. I made it out like I was there to see her and we had a cup of tea talking about a little bit of everything.