
Showing posts from December, 2017

Wheres the garlic?!

Okay, I have met some strange people while working on my residency here in Murkland. Now I have to deal with a vampire?    I may have to start stuffing my pockets with garlic or eating it to keep them away. Plus side this one is starting to smoke. Not sure if he knows it or not. But hey before you burst into flames could you drop a few simoleons?

This is getting old

I know I might take up a lot of time in the library working on my novels. But do people really understand how long and how many books its takes to get one perfect book?! I mean come on now you don't have to hover over me. All that is going to do is piss me off and cause me not to get up and move for you. Lesson learned. DON"T HOVER!

Bye Felicia

I get up for one second and this witch steals my computer. She better not have deleted my work or exited out of the program. I have auto save on but still. This woman is going to move so I can get back to work. Bye Felicia.

Waited to long

Okay so this is not good. Get to the pee bush, don't pee your self. I have been writing all day and have stopped briefly to eat some trash fruit and ignored all bodily warnings. I really need to remember to take breaks to deal with such things. Perhaps I will remember for next time.

Life of a writer

My day in a nutshell. If I am lucky I might get a full nights sleep. When I am not writing I am playing the violin or don't wake the lama. If I had access to a juice bar I would be drinking that but even as a lightweight I might not last long. 

Running on fumes

Unfortunately I did not get much sleep the night before due to the earth quake. Before I got started on writing today I wanted to get some coffee in hopes it would wake me up enough to power through the day. I have to say the coffee is not bad at all.

A new friend?

Well per Derricks request I am taking breaks and the librarian decided to stop to talk with me. It had been a stressful but productive day at the computer. I wish there were other things we are allowed to do on it. I can not imagine its just Murk-Word. Oh well at least he was fun to talk to. Not at all stuffy like you would expect a librarian to be.

Just my luck

Seriously? I am nearly done with this book I am currently writing and the stupid computer breaks down. Per Mayors rules I have to leave and can not come back for 24 hours. Thankfully it was about closing time so I did not lose to much time. The computer breaking means I get a break until tomorrow.  Who knows maybe Derrick will give me a call.

Im starting to hate people

No sooner than I sit down this guy walks up wanting the computer. Ya no. Good bye come back later or find a different one to use. I have to get this book written and pray to Murk it is a bestseller. I swear I need a vacation. All this hard work with no breaks is going to turn me into a demonic dragon. Its been a while since Derrick has had to tame the dragon.

Waiting is the worst

Since I had such a weird sleep schedule at the gym it has carried over at home and I end up getting up super early. So once all my needs are out of the way I tend to show up at the library early and play the violin. There are times when I get tips so that helps. The tips I get are going towards paying for the barista everyday.

Tending to trash

You would think Trash plants would be easy to care for. They stink and don't need much attention yet I am always spraying for bugs, watering and weeding. Plus side when I have no one to talk to I can talk to the plant's. I wonder if I should name them?

Service Sim

Now before every one's mind slides into the gutter it is not what you think. Why pay someone when I have Derrick. Anyway back on track. Each time that I visit the library to write I have to hire a service sim. A barista. Why I do not know but that is one of the rules I must follow. But it helps to have them there if I forgot my trash fruit which I sometimes eat so I can stay longer. I have not yet become best friends with the librarian but to be honest I don't have time for that. I don't need to stay longer. I can do what I need to with in the hours the library is open.

Bored to tears

I know Derrick said to take it slow and not over do it when I am writing the novels. This is so boring. I sit here and play don't wake the lama. I suppose if I do not want to burn my self out I will need to find things to do when I am not writing. Or perhaps I need to have days off from my writing.