
Showing posts from February, 2019

A death.....

So I came home after a long day of running around Murkland working on the quest for the mayor to find the computer had suffered the blue screen of death. I had it happen while at the library but this was the first time here at home. Derrick seemed rather nervous and when I asked him what was wrong he confessed to being the one who broke it. He tried to fix it and this is what he got. After everything you think I would be mad but I was not. He had at least tried to fix it. It did not take long to fix and Derrick was at ease. For now....

I finally found him!

Well as you know I had to meet and get to know the Mayors family as well as the Cliff dweller  family. I have already met everyone in both families and have been searching for the Mayor. This man is on the run and never sits still! I finally caught up to him and got to know him along with telling him what I have learned. I have not yet checked out those two weird things I found at the Cliff Dwellers home. For now I am going to move on to another part of the quest.

Murky Waters

I had been undercover for a while now and it seems like the family does not know. I had started with the cliff dwellers and now moved on to the Mayor's family. Not sure if he knows I am doing this quest or not but he's playing it off pretty well. Either way, it is a nice distraction from the attack the night before. I'm still mad at Derrick and have not talked to him today.

Voodoo? Hoodoo?

Some boyfriend you are Derrick! This old bat comes in our home and does some weird voodoo, hoodoo stuff on me and now I have marks on my neck and no clue what happened. What does he do? NOTHING! Did not even stop the attack or try to rescue me. You, sir, have been put on notice. I am mad as a tick stuck in tar.

Well, you did it again Derrick

We had a good few months since our first time having to go to the Puffer Dome. Derrick somehow managed to get all tense and mad so here we are again. Le'ts hope we both survive the puffer fish this time. I love you dude but you make me nervous every time you get tense now. (I am currently sick with a nasty cold so posts may be sparse.)

Now what did I find?

I figured since I found that weird portal thing I thought I would snoop around a bit more. I nearly got caught but managed to hide before being seen. I think the mayor is on to something. Looks like they are communicating with someone but it can not be any more here because phones don't work. I will have to let the mayor know what I have found out. Time to hang with Derrick before starting the next part of the quest. By the way, I can not wait till bath day. It will be a fight to see who gets the shower first between Derrick and me. (In the challenge I had to take pictures of the portal and dish and show Brennachan who created the Murkland challenge)

My, My, What Did I Find?

While I had a moment to wander I ran across this weird thing. It looks like one of those security scanners they had before the apocalypse. Perhaps this is what the Mayor was looking for. I will have to let him know and see if he wants me to go through it. Not a bad find for the quest. Well, time to head home to Derrick,

He's Alive!!!!!!!!!

Well, here we are the next day after we went to the Puffer Dome playing a game of don't wake the lama. Our first trip to the Dome we made it out alive thank the gods. Now back to focus on my mission and making money for the vardo. Unfortunately, Derrick is not allowed to bring home any money. So he will keep working on the garden and help around the Vardo.   (I can not control Derrick in game unless setting up tasks for him to do for the day.)